My goal this year has been to post on my blog at least once a month. Here it is the last day of July. Even down to the last few hours. As I've been praying and contemplating the last few days on what to write about, it has come down to this. I still believe. If you know me personally, you know this has been a difficult month for me. But I want you to know that my faith, my trust in God, my belief in supernatural miracles has not wavered. On June 16 my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer with only 2-4 months to live. On June 18 my husband, Glen, and I prayed with him. We covered a lot of ground in his soul and in his heart before we addressed the cancer. I felt something shift that day. I left believing the cancer was gone. I stood on that every day, praying for the physical manifestation of that miracle in his body, for almost a month. When there were good signs, I stood. When he was still having symptoms, I stood. When family didn't understand, I stood. Until July 12. God told me I had to let him go. So, I did. My dad chose to leave this earth on July 13. He picked the day and he took his last breath surrounded by family as we called the angels to take him home. I can't explain why it happened the way it did, but here's what I do know. God didn't need him in heaven, He didn't need an angel, cancer wasn't too big for God, and I didn't miss it when I felt healing go into him. Dad was changed after we prayed. His last weeks on earth was from a place of freedom that he had never experienced before. Could he have chosen to stay? Maybe. I know my dad was a prayer warrior. I never knew to what extent until I heard all the stories at the end of his life. I know he would encourage me to keep praying the impossible prayers. He's up there now as part of the great cloud of witnesses. He's meeting Pastor Bill from the other side each morning still interceding for his family. If anything has changed through all of this, it is that my faith has actually grown stronger. I will continue to pray the cancer eradicating, life changing, supernatural healing prayers. Every part of me cries out for heaven on earth. It's what we're made for. Love you, Dad!