Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010

I'm almost finished with the current book I've been reading, "The Call" by Rick Joyner. It's the second in a series. It's been really good. They are a series of visions and prophetic experiences that he had and recorded. It has definitely spurred me on to want to go deeper in my relationship with God. Not only this book, but several I've read lately, and the Bible study I've been doing on my own. Some days I feel like I can't get enough. Then other days seem to go by and I didn't even pick anything up. Why is that? I really seem to be relating with the Apostle Paul....doing what I don't want to do and not doing what I want to do. I so much want to be able to live in the "real" world and not just operate in this temporary setting with all it's limits. But then, when I do feel like I'm beginning to access that realm....I feel like I look like a fruitcake to everyone around me. Oh well. I think I'd rather be seen as flaky, or way out there, than to miss out on what God has available for me. I read something in that book today about our "armor." In this picture he was painting...the armor that was being worn was "made to fit." I know whenever I've thought about putting on my armor as it says to do in Ephesians 6....I get the picture of what knights wore...seems kinda big and bulky. Not convenient. But it shouldn't have to be like that. It should be a natural fit to us. I should be able to be graceful and maneuver in my armor without ever having to take it off. Just something else for me to think about.

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