Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

"Be careful little eyes what you see
Be careful little ears what you hear
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see..."

How many of us remember that song from our Sunday school days? As I was contemplating my frustration with the enemy this morning this song came to mind. This thing called the internet. So much good potential, yet very tricky. We all know the obvious pitfalls and awful things that we have access to. The obvious is much easier to steer clear of. What about the not so obvious? What about the things that seem so good that they must be true? That's where the tricky part comes in. John Bevere has a book out now called "Good or God?" We, as believers, must take the posture to truly know our Father's heart. For example, there's a story out there making it's rounds again about what an eagle has to do after it ages 40 years to live longer. I first saw it a year or two ago. Very captivating. Seems good. But something just didn't sit right with me. So I started digging for facts. The whole premise of the story is that the eagle basically has to torture itself to get to a place it can live longer. That process would leave it completely exposed and unable to survive. If I believe God's nature is good and perfect, would He make one of his most majestic creations have to go through that process? Now, I understand we have to choose to leave our past behind at some point in life, but we don't do that through self mutilation. Eagles, like all birds, go through a molting process. They lose and replace feathers in a balanced process, the same feather on each wing. That way it can still fly and hunt while in the process. It's talons grow stronger as it ages with new layers. It keeps it's beak in good condition by just living; eating tough prey and cleaning it. You see, those are tools that are built in naturally. If we live how God created us, we have the tools we need to just do life and keep growing. He's a good God. He's given us what we need. Self mutilation falls into the category of religion in my eyes. A trick of the enemy to keep us from our true identity. Bottom line...don't believe everything you read, no matter how good it looks. Is it really God?

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